A year ago... my friend & frequent collaborator, Mariah Owen, and I ventured into a space neither of us had ventured into before...The superhero genre. I'd written a short origin story about my favorite super villain, Poison Ivy, but was scared to get back into the indie arena after making our feature, M.F.A. in 2017. I was enjoying being a sellout, writing scripts for the studios while sipping on lattes in coffee shops. But truth be told, I missed the pain and torture of late-night Ralphs runs for crafty, sweet-talking neighbors into not calling the cops on us and grumbling over renting another U-haul for art department. Mariah was the devil on my shoulder that convinced me it was time to get back to our scrappy indie roots. We soon learned - not the easiest thing to make a superhero film independently with your own cash! But after months of prep, pulling aboard the most talented people we know, begging, borrowing and stealing as we do, followed by months of post which included more VFX than I'd ever been a part of (much less directed) - we got 'er done! Just as we were catching our breath with our finished film - a pandemic hit! Life is a hoot sometimes. Nevertheless, we persist. Pamela & Ivy released online last week via Collider. We are so proud of our baby girl. She is available to view free in her entirety. If you're into it, please give us a little grassroots love and share with your peeps! I hope you enjoy our labor of love as much as I enjoyed making it. Sometimes you just need a little reminder that in the arena is where you get your ass kicked, but it's also where you feel the most alive.
More info at PamelaandIvy.com